
Archive for the ‘Sean Patrick Flannery’ Category

The Boondock Saints

September 12, 2009 Leave a comment

Troy Duffy

Troy Duffy

Sean Patrick Flanery as Connor McManus
Normas Reedus as Murphy McManus
David Della Rocco as “Funny Man” Rocco
Willem Dafoe as Paul Smecker

Released: 2000
Studio: Indican
Box Office: $30,471

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 17%
IMDB Score: 7.9

Date Seen: September 7, 2009
Format: DVD

This movie is the definition of a cult classic. A film that was ignored in theaters and panned by the critics that later is discovered on DVD. I had heard about The Boondock Saints several years ago, but I just now got around to watching it. I’m glad that I waited until now. I think that I would have liked it, but I don’t think that I would have understood it if I had seen it a couple of years ago. Before I would have just thought it was a cool action flick, but now I realize that it is a study of what is wrong with our justice system and to what lengths righteous men would have to go to fix the shortcomings. I think this is epitomized by the tattoos on the brother’s hands, “Veritas” and “Aequitas”. Which mean truth and equity.

It’s about the McManus brothers who got into a bar fight with a couple of members of the Russian Mob. The mobsters come after them the next morning and the brothers end up killing them. They then have an epiphany that they should rid the city of all the scumbags. Willem Dafoe is the FBI agent brought in to investigate their killings. He eventually finds out the brothers are responsible, but decides to help them go after the mob boss instead of arresting them.

I liked this movie. The action was over-the-top and I could tell that it was shot with a limited budget, but it was an enjoyable film and very funny in parts. The two actors that played the McManus brothers did a good job and I really liked their Irish accents, but Willem Dafoe stole the show.

Favorite Performance:
Willem Dafoe as Paul Smecker

Favorite Quote:
McManus brothers: And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris, et fili, et spiritus sancti.


See it.