
Archive for the ‘Fox’ Category


February 1, 2010 Leave a comment

James Cameron

James Cameron

Sam Worthington as Jake Sully
Zoe Saldana as Neytiri
Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine
Stephen Lang as Col. Miles Quaritch
Joel Moore as Norm Spellman
Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacon

Released: 2009
Studio: Fox
Box Office: $595,752,416 (as of 1/31/10)

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 82%
IMDB Score: 8.6

Format: 3D Theater

Never before has a movie looked so beautiful upon a screen. The world of Pandora designed by James Cameron and his crew is so breathtakingly mesmerizing and stunning, that I can forgive the film of all its storytelling faults. Avatar is perfectly suited for the big screen. It is a spectacle meant to be seen in 3D. Cameron spent over 10 years working on this film, because he had to invent the 3D technology required to fulfill his vision. It has paid off with Avatar now being the highest grossing film of all-time worldwide, and within the next few days domestically, passing Cameron’s previous movie, Titanic.

Avatar is the best film that I’ve seen in 2009. Not because of the acting nor the plot, but because of the experience. I got so wrapped up with what was happening on the screen that the movie seemed like it wasn’t nearly as long as its runtime.

It’s the story of a crippled ex-marine, Jake Sully, traveling to the distant planet Pandora to take control of an Avatar, a body of the native Na’vi. The humans are there to mine unobtanium, an expensive commodity back on Earth. Jake’s mission is to befriend the Na’vi and to negotiate their relocation from a rich unobtanium deposit. The story is very derivative of several other films, most notably Pocahontas. Following is a link to a very funny Mad Lib comparing the plot of Pocahontas to the plot of Avatar:

Avatar Mad Lib

As I stated earlier, I can forgive the film for being unoriginal story wise, because it presents that story in such an outstandingly original way. Zoe Saldana did a remarkable job as Neytiri even though her character is entirely motion captured. Really my only gripe is that Sigourney Weaver’s avatar looks too human and not enough like the other Na’vi.

Favorite Performance:
Zoe Saldana as Neytiri

Favorite Quote:
Col. Quaritch: If there is a hell you might want to go there for some R&R after a tour on Pandora.


Major Update 1

December 22, 2009 Leave a comment

I’ve really been neglecting this blog over the last couple of months, but now that I’m out of school for a while I’m gonna review the 21 movies I’ve seen since my last update. These won”t be full length reviews but shorter ones hitting on the major high (or low) points of the film. They’ll also have 2 or 3 movies per post.


Greg Mottola

Greg Mottola

Jesse Eisenberg as James Brennan
Kristen Stewart as Em Lewin
Ryan Reynolds as Mike Connell

Released: 2009
Studio: Miramax
Box Office: $16,044,025

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 88%
IMDB Score: 7.3

Format: DVD

Here is another comedy following the Judd Apatow formula for funny. An everyman schlup, semi-loser James Brennan gets a summer job at the local amusement park and falls for one of his female coworkers. Ryan Reynold plays a Stifler-esque Mike Connell, an order guy who also works at the park. Kristen Stewart shows that she is actually a competent actress when not stuck in that Twilight garbage. Jesse Eisenberg turns in another good performance thats just proves to me again that he is one of my favorite up-and-coming actors.

Favorite Performance:
Jesse Eisenberg as James Brennan

Favorite Quote:
Sue O’Malley: What are you majoring in?
Joel: Russian literature and Slavic languages.
Sue O’Malley: Oh wow, that’s pretty interesting. What career track is that?
Joel: Cabby, hot dog vendor, marijuana delivery guy. The world is my oyster.


X Men Origins: Wolverine

Gavin Hood

David Benioff and Skip Woods

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Liev Schreiber as Victor
Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson

Released: 2009
Studio: Fox
Box Office: $179,883,157

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 36%
IMDB Score: 6.7

Format: Blu-ray

To me, Wolverine’s backstory was not something that I really wanted explored. Part of his awesomeness, was the mystery surrounding his life before the Adamantium skeleton was inserted. I’m sure it was explained in the comics, but the casual fan (like me) didn’t know anything about Logan, just Wolverine. This movie is full of cliches and all the big budget summer movies staples like slow motion action shots and tons and tons of splosions!!!!!!!!! But it never fully develops the intriguing side characters. Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool(who is also getting his own movie soon) who only had like 5 lines in the whole film. Is it just me, or was he in a lot of movies this year?


Star Wars

July 17, 2009 Leave a comment

George Lucas

George Lucas

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia
Harrison Ford as Han Solo
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (Voice)
Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

Released: 1977
Studio: Fox
Box Office: $460,998,007

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 95%
IMDB Score: 8.8

Date Seen: July 16, 2009
Format: DVD

It’s hard to objectively judge Star Wars because of how it is so intrinsically ingrained into modern American culture.  Even people who have never seen the film know of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.  The movie has entertained and captivated moviegoers since its release in 1977.  Dispaying state of the art effects and visuals (which led George Lucas to found Industrial Light & Magic, one of the most influential effects companies) and often corny dialogue, Star Wars became the biggest box office smash of all-time until E.T. toppled it in 1983, but again took number 1 with a re-release in 1997 until over-taken by Titanic in 1998.

As I watch the movie again, I try to imagine how people in the 70’s became so enamored with the film.  Was it the story? The oppressive Empire with it’s new battlestation the “Death Star” capable of destroying entire planets with a single shot and it’s seemingly all-powerful general Darth Vader against Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and a rag-tag bunch of rebels. Or was it the cinematography and effects with shots of fighters zipping around blowing each other up and blaster shots ricocheting off walls? I don’t know.

My favorite aspect of the film is the dialogue.  Slightly campy and very cheesy, but with a philosophy that undeniably connects.  Obi-Wan is the father figure spewing out advice and witty statements around every corner such as “Who’s the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who follows him?” One particulary ironic statement that makes me crack up every time is when Luke and Obi-Wan are examining the wreckage left by the stormtroopers on Tatooine, Luke wonders if the sandpeople caused it and Obi-Wan says “These blast points — too accurate for sandpeople. Only imperial stormtroopers are so precise.” and then not a single stormtrooper blaster shot hits its intended target for the rest of the film.

I don’t know why this movie is so beloved.  I think that if it was released today it would not garner near the following it gathered 30 years ago.  Maybe a unique combination of timing and cultural circumstances led to the phenomenon, I can only wonder.  All I know is I love it too.

Star Wars is listed as number 13 in AFI’s 100 Greatest Films.

Favorite Performance:
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader (Voice)

Favorite Quotee:
Obi-Wan Kenobi – “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.”


A must own for any movie fan.

Box Office News:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince smashed the midnight record previously held by The Dark Knight at $18.5 million with an estimated $22.2 million en-route to a franchise best $58.2 million opening day.

Next Review: